Monday, February 23, 2009

What I've been up to

I have major updates since I've turned 9 months.... here's a couple of highlights from the month:
- My 1st 2 teeth are coming in on the bottom.
- I am in the 78%tile for weight at 22lbs 9oz.
- I am in the 98%tile for height at 30.75 inches.
- I can walk... or at least I think I can walk.
- I love the new foods that I try every day... or almost every day.
- I've been known to babble a couple sounds that some think are words. :)

Swimmy Swim

I've been busy the past couple of Saturdays... I've been learning how to swim so that I am ready for summer fun! Check out my skills....

Ladies Man

Happy Valentine's Day to Siena, Molly, and Paige. Thanks for being my Valentine's Day dates... my heart still belongs to my Mommy though.

Welcome home

Welcome home Graham... hope you like your new house!

Wagon rides

I love my new wagon... my 'rents finally took it out of the "garage" on the warmest day in February. I can't wait for more warm weather.


Here's me and my Daddy wearing our hoodies like gangstas.

Where's Graham?

Find the 10 differences in the pictures below.

Don't box me in...

Crib tricks

I've finally done it... I've mastered the ultimate trick - standing in my crib!! I love to practice in the morning, during naps, and definitely before nigh-nigh time!! I've timed myself - it only takes me seconds to get into position.