Today was my 1st day seeing snow... here's what I think about it - 1) I don't understand why I had to sit in it when it's cold & wet. 2) My motor skills are highly restricted when in that silly blue snowsuit! 3) I feel like the kid from "Christmas Story"
My Mommy told me today was a special day in history - I know it as having lunch in front of the TV. Here I am enjoying sweet potatos while Barack Obama was sworn in as president.... it was pretty amazing.
My Daddy will also remind me what I was doing on this historical day - I spent it with Fafa and Fatou.
Congrats to Uncle Bill for accepting his fellowship at Oxford! I don't have a recent picture of him but I can't wait to see him soon! I am so excited for my cousin Alaina to master the British accent in no time. My Mommy tells me I need a book with my picture in it... I hope I can take a ride on the Eye, and enjoy fish and chips with a Guiness (or water would suffice)!
My secretary is all out of order in updating my blog .... sorry for her lack of organization. I've got to put her on a PIP! Here I am with Pa and some 2nd cousins and their Grandmas (my Pa's sisters).
Over our Christmas holiday we went to Cumberland, VA to visit a whole bunch of family - Rowan and French side. It was great to meet/see again great-great aunt (Aunt Sue), many great-aunts and uncles, and 2nd cousins. I was also on my best behavior which gave me bonus points!
My Mommy told me I was a very lucky boy to have another Christmas! My 2nd Christmas celebration was with my Pa, Gran, Aunt Monica, future Heisman winner Andrew, Alaina, Juliana, and of course, Mommy and Daddy. I was spoiled and have great new books, toys, and clothes to show for it!
Here I am with my Fafa... well, I share her but really that doesn't matter. Here I am testing out my new car seat... finally my Mommy upgraded me - thank goodness!!
My Daddy has told me all about Hokie football and that I will go to VT one day also. :) So glad VT has finally won a BCS bowl game. I cheered for the Hokies from the enjoyment of my crib! Yeah Hokies!
I was very busy over Christmas break... my parents delivered me to Richmond where I saw all my family. I drank alot, ate alot, and stayed up way too late. All in all it was a great holiday.
Nothing says Christmas time like getting up at 7am on a Sunday, and having my Daddy drive me and Mommy all the way to Fair Oaks during the 1st ice storm of my life for MUST have pictures at Portrait Innovations. I think I painted on a pretty good smile....
Welcome to my ramblings.
HI, my name is Graham. I was born on May 10, 2008. I weighted 10lbs, 9.5oz and was 21 inches long. Since then I have grown in weight and size... :) I hope to be big and tall like my Daddy.
Stay posted to see ... thanks for stopping in to see what I'm rambling about today.